Monday, January 26, 2009

Do The Mario

So I started to process an order on, but ended up not doing the order, meaning i don't have the order number because i don't have an order. Unfortunately I have a charge on my card from ecampus for almost $200, which is about the amount of the order that i didn't place. What sucks even more is that nobody at customer service seems to know how to help me if I don't have an order number, which fails because i don't have an account there and i don't have an order number, so they aren't going to find my order. What would be lovely is if they perhaps looked it up by my credit card number, found what was being charged then canceled the credit card transaction, but who the hell would think of looking up an order by credit card number instead of name.

In other news I locked my spare key in my car, don't know where my regular pair of keys are because they fell out of my pants as my pants were thrown in the heat of passion....or I'm assuming thats when I lost them, makes the most sense. So I'm stranded at my boyfriends missing a class that I'm not enrolled in yet and where attendance counts against my grade, but yet again, attendance is crucial for each of my classes. Wtf, I fixed everything and then within less then a week it broke again, yay me.

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