Wednesday, January 28, 2009


In short: something about dreams and psychology and theories.....

Psychology is not science and I am not a psychologist, so even to a point research is conducted for psychological theories just about everything in psychology is that, a theory. These ideas are tested by professional psychologist. I am not a psychologist, I do no studies, I do not base my theories off scientific research. I have no plan to be a psychologist, so my theory that for me dreams signify something deeper in my subconscious which is worrying me or has significance to my life is just a theory. Just because the theory exists elsewhere doesn't mean that i based it off more than
what my life has shown me. I'm an intellect, but I do not need research to back up everything i believe in.

But on that topic, lets sum up life by this simple statement, molecules do not appear out of no where. Life does not simply just appear. Ideas do not just appear out of no where. The mind is powerful but what are the likely hood that every original idea is an idea created from nothing. The mind has evolved and many thoughts have been based off of other things in the world. Stories don't simply come to be, aliens evolved from the basis of life and the basis of other planets existing. Robots evolved from humans having the power to create artificial life. Ideologies don't simply appear from no where, same as religion. There were basis for these things. Societal love didn't appear from no where. These things were expanded from other basis of things. So how is a dream, some form of insanity as put, just that and only that? It truly is a subconscious' perception of reality and in my case i have found it to perceive whats been going on in my life, whether or not thats for you is a different story i suppose.

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