Friday, June 19, 2009

Dios del amor

I'm trying to convince myself that i don't suck at singing, because at one time i was good, but i think Andrew has gotten into my brain and i feel like i should just stop

it comes out on accident sometimes though, its weird that when you're told certain things you tend to fall into that category because you think that's what you are

"i am not what i think i am, i am not what you think i am, i am what i think you think i am."

I don't remember who said that, but it holds true for everything...i was doing so well on my singing last year, i did really good and improved so well in vocal

I was getting better in the artistic nature

I was writing still

But then I compared myself in the artistic nature, and it didn't push me
Then I compared myself in the writing skills, and it completely drowned me in self doubt
Then I started dating Andrew and hes great and all but his criticism just completely swallowed me and made me too angry to draw, too angry to sing, to a point where i truly believe that i don't have a good voice anymore, that somehow i got worse instead of better....

I pretty much told him to fuck off when it came to drawing but idk i still don't find the point in doing so

Every relationship has its flaw though...*shrugs* whatever

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