Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm On A Mexican (woah oh) Radio

So I randomly think of things that should be invented....

like the other day i was thinking that they should have a machine that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen in scuba gear. Unfortunately it would probably have to be a very small machine it would have to handle the pressure of deep sea diving along with the ability to manipulate the molecules quickly. I don't know how molecule splitting works, so I wouldn't be able to provide more insight on the machine. I say scuba gear because it would probably be very expensive to make and wouldn't work for just anyone, although wouldn't that be awesome to have as a toy as a child when you go to the ocean? Or a teenager...children don't understand not to go as deep i think....

and today i was thinking about this one thing i really wanted when i was a child and i was thinking that it probably wasn't possible. What you did is you placed like a piece of doll clothing into the machine and it copied it and gave you a piece of clothing that matched the specifications you put in. I was thinking this wasn't possible, but then i thought about it some more....what if you took the piece of clothing(when i was little i was thinking barbie clothing) and you had a machine that took the specifications of it and had it hooked into a sewing machine that had the ability to sew along a computerized line(they have some of these, programmable sewing machines). So you probably would have it hooked up to a computer, the program would scan in like an outfit basic and you could look at it, and quite possibly pick which part you wanted to do? Idk now i'm just mumbling...but basically all you would need to be invented now was a scanning program that took in clothing and analyzed it and make it into something that i forgot the fucking word!

okay maybe you can help me....they're pretty much an outfit design on paper, they come in this white paper bag that has adhesive and shuts close and they usually have the outfit on the front...i can't remember for the life of me what its called so i can't show you a picture....but thats what the scanning program would create that way you can print it out and just make it, with different measurements 0.o

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